we grow

Good things really are rooted in nature!

 Nature connects us to the bigger picture.

It helps us reappreciate community and our place in the world. When we grow, we become connected to natural and seasonal rhythms. We are led by weather and light rather than watches and diaries. When our senses are immersed in nature, it helps us to appreciate the miracle of what grows in the ground as well as the capability of our own incredible bodies.


The growing process is one of life’s simple pleasures. The seemingly simple act of sowing and growing has a profound therapeutic quality.

As we cultivate a relationship with the natural world, we really do start caring about it. As we look after the land, it looks after us! Growing stuff does something deep within our soul. (After all, soul and soil have only one letter in difference!)

At Meadowbrook

we can learn what it is to be a really good custodian of the land.

Having dedicated areas at Meadowbrook in which to grow all manner of things is at the heart of this space.

We hope that as people discover more of the magic of growing, they might be inspired to continue it elsewhere too. We believe being immersed in the natural world can truly be an antidote to so many problems that society faces


We don’t profess to be green-fingered gurus by any stretch of the imagination. Hands up…...Jason does have a horticulture qualification. Tick.

Like many who took to their gardens during the lockdowns, Grace continues to merrily grow stuff in fairly overgrown patches at home. Tick.

Grace F (One of our non-exec directors) is an award-winning florist and proper flower grower. Double tick.

But honestly…. anyone can grow.

It’s such a leveller.

Many of you beneficiaries are itching to get dirt under your fingernails, sow some seeds and join us in the journey of learning to grow. You don’t have to made of muscles to join us. There’s no pressure to dig or shift heavy barrows of compost. There will be activities to suit all abilities and capacities. And more importantly there is always time to stop for a brew and a chit chat!

All equipment is be provided. (However, you are more than welcome to bring your own tools if you would prefer.) We’ll have some waterproof clothing, but we’d recommend bringing your own if that’s possible.

What will the growing look like?

  • A big chunk of the growing will happen in our enclosed communal growing space that is starting to take shape. We are fans of the concept of ‘community sufficiency’ rather than ‘self-sufficiency’. As such, the growing beds will be all shared – removing any pressure off keeping on top of an individual plot like many traditional allotment models. The enclosed growing space measures 32 x 20m and contains 11 beds of differing sizes.

  • Aim to making growing stuff as accessible as possible. A key feature will be having handmade
  • wheelchair-friendly beds at the heart of this space. This will accommodate several growers at a time. There will be plenty of fruit trees, flower bushes and seating areas within the communal space.

  • Create wildflower meadow mounds and a butterfly walk.

  • Enhance existing hedgerows as well as establishing brand new hedgerows.

  • Use the new little greenhouse (bought by a project supporter) to get us started! The next step will then be to secure a much larger indoor growing space within a more spacious polytunnel. This will provide an invaluable year-round growing space as well as acting as a lovely space in which to take shelter, hang out and do nice stuff together

  • Grow a diverse sensory garden with a small wildlife pond where texture, aroma, colour, and shape will create a tasty feast for the senses.

  • Grow a medicinal garden. Historically these ‘physic gardens’ have been around since the Middle Ages. They are a fascinating space in which to grow herbs that can be used for healing purposes.

  • Grow a ‘dye’ garden; celebrating our local weaving heritage.  Growing and experimenting with a selection of plants that can be used as natural dyes.

  • Plant in a diverse range of willow. Willow is a beautiful and versatile natural material that can be regularly coppiced and used in all sorts of activities at the land. The willow will also work to alleviate some of the excess water that appears in our front field during the wetter months.